We spend so much time searching grocery aisles for those perfectly balanced options, that sometimes we overlook what’s been in front of us all along. Twinkies really do have some redeemable factors. They might not be much. But they’re there.
And that’s what matters.
Copywriter: hallie williams
Print & OOH
"Our boxes contain fiber!"
Digital ads will take the form of lifestyle and “mukbang” videos on Youtube.
What better way to show how harmless Twinkies are than by eating 200 of them?
Clickbait has never tasted so good.
Out of home ads will force health-conscious shoppers to face the harsh reality that Twinkies have some (underwhelming) health benefits too. By placing Twinkies on their turf, they can’t run from the truth.
The “Always Fresh Farmer’s Market” pop-up will show the similarities between Twinkies and the foods that critics say to replace them with. Shop small (sponge cakes, that is).